Sunday, June 14, 2020

Dr. Seuss, wild places, and leather

“If you want to catch beasts you don’t see every day,
You have to go places quite out of the way.
You have to go places no others can get to.
You have to get cold and you have to get wet, too.”  — Dr. Seuss

With two young boys, Dr Seuss features prominently in our house.  
It takes determination, grit,s and shoe leather to reach the wild places
Clearly, the good Dr. knew this - he loved life, evidenced in his timeless children books.  I bet he was a Hunter.  Yes, he must have been


Saturday, June 13, 2020

Welcome to Hunt Bum Diaries

Family focused outdoor adventure centered on faith, conservation, and in the field experiences

We hope you enjoy our blog posts and podcasts sharing our personal journey in hunting, fishing, backpac
king and what it takes to get there

Dr. Seuss, wild places, and leather

“If you want to catch beasts you don’t see every day, You have to go places quite out of the way. You have to go places no others can get ...